SE3 prepared designs, construction drawings, general notes, specifications, and required special provisions for all ITS and tolling systems required for the SH 360 Project. The scope of this project included the following:

  • Additional toll lanes and frontage road improvements to extend the existing SH 360 main lanes and frontage roads from just south of I-20 to US 287
  • Design, construction, and maintenance of approximately 9.2 miles of improvements to SH 360, consisting of two toll lanes in each direction from approx. E. Sublett Road/Camp Wisdom Road to East Broad Street and one toll lane in each direction with periodic passing lanes (Super 2 configuration) from E. Broad Street to US 287, frontage road and intersection improvements from E. Sublett Road/Camp Wisdom Road to US 287.
  • ITS network, infrastructure, CCTV camera towers, DMS structures, electrical systems, fiber optic communications cable, duct banks, associated access vaults and connection to the existing and relocated communications backbone and laterals
  • All ITS network components conformed to the National Transportation Communication for ITS Protocol provisions and were compatible with the latest operating system used by TxDOT and NTTA
  • Tolling design, including all electronic toll collection, gantries, duct banks, electrical power systems, lightning protection and grounding systems, communications network equipment, etc.
  • Provide an ITS implementation plan that showed each device’s relationship with the ITS network’s overall functional design and proposed roadway system
  • Prepare system acceptance procedure before construction to ensure proper operation, control, and response of each device as part of the overall ITS system, including the comprehensive operating system and software

Construction Cost


Construction Schedule

Completed 2020


AECOM/ Texas Department of Transportation

SH360 Aerial
SH-360 Aerial