SE3 was a subconsultant on the I-88 Rehabilitation project from Aurora Toll Plaza to Route 59 located in Naperville in DuPage County. SE3 provided personnel for this project including the Lead Structural Engineer and Project Manager who oversaw the Rehabilitation of the EJ&E Bridge over I-88. The existing structure consisted of a two-span through girder superstructure with a ballast deck supported on treated timbers. Improvements to the structure included floor beam plating, cracks arresting, catwalk repairs, structural repair of concrete to the substructure units, and also included drainage system repairs. A load rating was created following the AREMA Manual.
Careful construction scheduling was required to ensure repairs could be completed within the allowable railroad time constraints which was limited to four hours. This greatly reduced the time for possible repairs and required additional coordination between the Illinois Tollway and the EJ&E Railroad.
In addition to the bridge repairs, barriers modifications to the abutments and piers were completed to meet current Tollway and AASHTO LRFD requirements. Project deliverables consisted of Bridge Condition Reports, Load Rating Reports, and final construction documents.
Construction Schedule
Completed 2020
Illinois State Toll Highway Authority