For over a decade SE3 has served as the Prime consultant providing Traffic Signal Design Engineering services for more than 300 locations in Illinois that included two separate Illinois Department of Transportation Bulletin Prime selections (PTB 164-10 and 173-12). To date, a variety of Work Orders have been assigned to SE3 which included the development of coordination guidelines, traffic signal modernization, LED signal upgrades, Audible Pedestrian Signals (APS) upgrades, and the replacement of a monotube structure within a single-point urban interchange (SPUI).

The Coordination Guidelines for Railroad and Traffic Signal Intersection Projects were developed for District personnel to establish procedures for coordinating projects impacting at-grade railroad crossings. The traffic signal modernization for IL 50 (Cicero Avenue) at Southwest Highway included enhanced pedestrian accommodations to improve safety. The existing railroad interconnect and fiber optic traffic interconnect to nearby intersections were also replaced. The LED signal upgrade projects included field verification of the existing traffic signal equipment, equipment condition, and type of controller and cabinet in place for more than 300 intersections within 25 communities across Cook County.

Traffic signal interconnect projects provide technological advancements to the traffic signal operations. The APS upgrades are performed in conjunction with bringing the sidewalks and crosswalks into compliance with the adopted PROWAG requirements, retrofitting existing traffic signal installations.

Construction Schedule

PTB 164-10: 2013-2017

PTB 173-12: 2014-2024



An image of an intersection between two surface streets. All directions have dedicated left-turn lanes, and some have right-turn lanes.