Broadway Blvd to Holmes Rd, 7th St to 18th St

SE3 served as the prime engineer with the Kansas City Water Services Department (KCWSD) on this portion of their Water Main Replacement Program for Fiscal Year 2018. This is the third water main design that SE3 primed and completed for the KCWSD. This water main replacement project included areas within the downtown Kansas City Loop and included various complexities such as active steam lines and crowded existing utilities within the corridors. Alignment studies were conducted to avoid the existing infrastructure and complete construction documents were prepared for the replacement of existing water mains and transmission mains. 

One location included an existing 160 kV electrical line that needed to be crossed by the proposed water main replacement.  Traditional trenching construction methods could not be used around this high voltage electrical line. The SE3 design provided for the installation of high-pressure polyethylene pipe via horizontal/vertical directional boring.

Construction Elements:

  • Installation of 2,600 feet of 8-inch Ductile Iron Water Main
  • Installation of 1,900 feet of 12-inch Ductile Iron Water Main
  • Installation of 431 feet of 20-inch Ductile Iron Transmission Main
  • Installation of 443 feet of 30-inch Ductile Iron Transmission Main
  • Installation of 147 feet of 16-inch HDPE (directionally drilled)
  • Removal of 18 existing fire hydrants
  • Installation of 24 new fire hydrants

Construction Cost

$2,600,000 (estimated)

Construction Schedule

Completed 2020


City of KCMO Water Services Department

Map of a section of city, with sections of pipe to be replaced marked
An image of the pavement of an intersection with painted markings showing belowground utilities for construction work.
An image of a fire station with a fire hydrant in front.