SE3 has completed numerous water and sanitary distribution and relief projects throughout the Midwest. Our engineers are experienced in local requirements, statewide permitting, and construction. Our projects have included water main replacements, water transmission main (large diameter) replacements, gravity sanitary sewer design, and relief sewer design for combined system overflow control. SE3 has also been involved in programs promulgated by the EPA to reduce the volume and frequency of wet weather sewer overflows into local creeks, streams, and rivers. This includes system rehabilitation design involving the reduction of Inflow & Infiltration to existing systems.

Our Services

  • Water Distribution Design
  • Water Transmission Main Design
  • Sewer Distribution Design
  • Horizontal/Vertical Directional Boring
  • Overflow Control Design & Project Management
  • Inflow & Infiltration Remediation
  • Permitting
Image of an excavated ditch with a large pipe at the bottom of it.
Map of a section of city, with sections of pipe to be replaced marked
Image of a map of a city, with proposed sewer lines marked.