John Mick II, P. E., F-NSPE, F-ITE

John Mick Portrait

John has 50 years of experience managing, studying, designing, and constructing public sector vertical and horizontal infrastructure improvements across the US and internationally. He led program management efforts in Chicagoland for IDOT’s Strategic Regional Arterial System and the first CREATE Grade Separation completed in Franklin Park, IL. John is skilled in cost analyses, pursuit/management of funding, and grantsmanship and has developed SE3’s national Funding Team. He served Franklin Park, IL, as Municipal Engineer for seven years, led the development of the Village’s first Capital Improvement Program, and was also Village Engineer for Kenilworth, IL, for many years. John leads SE3’s Municipal Services and is also a Senior Advisor to the firm’s Business Development, Business Practices, and Strategic Planning. 

He has held various offices, including President of the Illinois Society of Professional Engineers and the Illinois Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). He is a Fellow in both organizations. He is the only Illinois Section of ITE member to receive the past President Award twice. He founded ITE’s Great Lakes District Endowment Fund as District President. He has been involved in Rotary International, SAME, WTS, SMPS, and the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois. He chairs the Education Committee of the American Public Works Association Chicago Chapter’s City Branch.

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