Raymond Kumapley, P.E.

Raymond Kumapley is the Senior Vice President and Corporate Secretary at SE3, LLC. He has over two decades of experience within the professional engineering industry. He has served as project manager for local, state, and federally funded municipal and transportation projects, ranging from project-level planning, design, and construction to large-scale DOT and Tollway corridor master planning and improvement projects. Mr. Kumapley has been involved with design corridor management roles of interstate corridors across the Chicagoland Region and manual and standard reviews for various agencies.
Raymond is an active member of various professional organizations, including the American Council of Engineering Companies of Illinois (ACEC-IL), serving as the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) and the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). He has served as a member or chair of various committees within these organizations. Raymond is a proud alumnus of the University of Science and Technology in Ghana, West Africa, and Purdue University.
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